Acid zinc

Acid Zinc is an electrolytic, inorganic, corrosion-protected coating that provides a decorative surface with an glossy finish. It is widely used for interior fittings, furnishings, furniture and in general engineering.

If you are going to have products in an outdoor environment, acid zinc combined with powder coating will give a more durable corrosion protection.

As this coating extends the lifespan of your product, it contributes to a more sustainable life cycle.

Do you know that our Acid zinc is boric acid free?

By choosing boric acid-free zinc we make apositive difference both for the environment and people.

Why Acid zinc?

The thickness of the zinc layer can be adapted to customer requirements, but is normally 8–12μm.

It provides good corrosion protection at layers> 12μm.

Adding a sealer will give a more durable corrosion protection for the product and provide controlled friction when needed.

Acid zinc has a high smoothing effect that gives a glossy surface.

The application temperature range is <+150°C.

Which products are suitable for Acid zinc?

Acid zinc is suitable for most steel applications.

Examples of products suitable for this surface treatment:

  • Wire components
  • Cable ladders
  • Warehouse and store interiors
  • Furniture frames
  • Furniture fittings

Applied by hanging or drum application.

Which requirements does acid zinc comply with?

Complies with the ELV and RoHS directives.

Passivation – Performance

Blue passivation/P1
> 6 hrs to white rust according to ISO 9227 (NSS).
Yellow passivation/P2
> 72 hrs to white rust according to ISO 9227 (NSS).
Transparent passivation/P5
> 96 hrs to white rust according to ISO 9227 (NSS).
A sealer provides increased corrosion protection.
Download product sheet

P1 Blue

P2 yellow iridescent passivation

P5 Transperent (Semi-gloss to glossy)

Want to know more?

Welcome to contact us to ask your questions and discuss which surface treatment meets your requirements and preferences.

Contact us

Håkan Engdahl

Technical sales

Martina Ny

Communication & Sales

Pierre Möller

Technical sales